Delkot Tax and Accounting Services is an IRS Certified business with over 30 years of experience serving both local and out of state clients with satisfied customers to show for it.


(301) 583-0032

6602 Old Landover Road, Hyattsville, MD 20785


Business Tax Filing

Whether you have a small business or large business, whether your business is an S Corp, LLC, Partnership or Non-profits organization, we are always available to help with your tax preparation and filing. We will accurately prepare your tax returns in compliance with all current regulations.

We carefully prepare filings and submit them in a timely manner, based on information we receive from you (or information we help you prepare). We also deal with tax authorities at all three levels of government and in multiple states.

Delkot Tax and Accounting Services business tax filing service

We manage both single and multistate sales tax filings and handle your nexus claims, where more than one state is attempting to collect from you.

As a reliable tax service company, receiving a solution to your needs is quicker and easier than ever. With a simple call or email, experience a broad range of services for business owners, executives and independent professionals.

We are affordable, experienced and friendly. Aiming to only deliver the utmost quality of service and professionalism, we dedicate our time to stay educated and current to provide our clients with the best tax advice possible.
Our expertise and understanding of reports and technology gives us the accelerated ability to stay ahead of changes in tax legislation and allows us to better serve our clients. In addition, we also review every completed tax return with our clients to ensure they understand the tax return they are signing.
delkottaxandaccounting tax filing